The Phantom Survey



E-Mail (optional):

How did you discover Phantom?:

Do you have a favourite song from Phantom?:

Do you have a favourite scene?:

Do you have a favourite character?:

Do you have a favourite Phantom website?

Do you read any phanphiction?:

yes  no

If so, do you have a favourite story?:

Who's your favourite Phantom?:

Who's your favourite Christine?:

Who's your favourite Raoul?:

How many times have you seen Phantom?:

Should Christine have stayed with Erik in the end?:

yes  no

Why or why not?:

Do you think the Phantom sequel ALW is working on is a good idea?:

yes   no

Why or why not?:

Do you like any other ALW musicals?:

yes  no

Which do you like better, Susan Kay's Phantom or Gaston Leroux's original story?: